Garlic Time

Tim organizing the garlic harvest back in the Summer of 2023.

The Garlic harvest took place this past week and we are excited to have Garlic available for folks to bring home, hopefully next week. After being pulled from the field, we lay it on tables to cure and dry which will extend the storage life substantially. Once completely dry the steps and roots are trimmed, bulbs cleaned and then ready to enjoy hopefully for months and months.

Garlic requires bursts of energy and effort, however once planted, can be maintained with not too much effort until harvest.

That is one large clove of garlic!

A percentage of this harvest will be kept as seed for our next crop. After looking at the bulbs of garlic we sort through it, saving the bulbs with the largest cloves. Once planted, each clove will form into a bulb of garlic.

Tunes, company, some warmth in our seed room, and good conversation accompany the breaking of garlic bulbs, separating them into cloves. Last year we planted in the ballpark of 300 lbs of garlic.

Planting this years garlic back in November using our water wheel transplanter.

After planting, we covered each bed with a layer of MSF compost and then mulched with straw. Straw insulates the garlic from cold winter weather, while also acting as a weed barrier in the spring.

Garlic is one of the first crops to pop up in the spring. You can see the layer of compost and some of the straw mulching thew plants. Remember the rain event in December? Enough water flowed through here, almost all of the straw (110 bales) got swept away. A little more effort was needed this season cultivating the garlic.

Harvest complete! Shawn and Evrald rallied and did it all by themselves over an entire day. Thank you to both of them!

Come anytime between 3 pm and 6 pm to choose your share on the day you chose when you signed up, so either Monday or Thursday.

Please bring your own bags or box to gather your choices.

If you signed up for an add-on, don’t forget to pickup your

Eggs, Pork sausage and Flowers!

 Remember to contact us in advance if you will be unable to pick up on Thursday, so that we can store your share in our walk-in refrigerator to keep it fresh. You can email or call us to let us know. Thank you to all of those who have already arranged another time to pickup!

Here's what you will find in this weeks share:

We will have an item for you to take and then:

Full shares receive an additional 11 choices

Small shares receive an additional 7 choices.



Enjoy! Thank you for supporting local agriculture. See you Thursday if not before.

Your Farmer,

Sam (For Tim, Matt, Mikaela, Jeannie, Jim, Jaime, Evrald, Shawn, Colin, Jessie, Ani, Wyatt, and Claira)