Tim has been involved with Beginning Farmers of NH. It's a great group, organized by NH Cooperative Extension that brings farmers just starting out(within 5 years) through a multi-month program covering all aspects of small scale agriculture. The organizers came to Meadowstone June and July 2020, shot a video tour and showed it to participants. Tim then spent an evening on a Zoom call delving deeper and answering questions. In "normal" summers we offer an open house for folks to learn more about the farm, what we do and how we do it. Check out the video tour below.
Celeriac for men at Meadowstone Farm in Bethlehem, NH. Music written by Fred Brown. Check out his Youtube Channel Hi Paws for more music, videos, and latin. ...
Truck Race at Meadowstone Farm in Bethlehem NH Food With Integrity - Grown With a Passion www.meadowstonenh.com Includes Farmer Zach who owns Cross Farm in B...
Check out our Disco Dance off video from 2018 below: