Your Farmers

Many hands over the years have fed and worked our soils, nurtured and cared for our animals, planted, cultivated, watered, and harvested pounds and pounds of produce, fixed fences, moved compost, covered frost sensitive plants, uncovered frost sensitive plants, planted seeds, washed bins, bagged greens, picked weeds, picked rocks, picked flowers, and participated in the many other tasks that move your local farm forward.

We are thrilled to have 14 phenomenal individuals making sure that everything runs smoothly, the chaos is organized, and the produce makes it into your kitchens.

The vision of Pick Your Own Blueberries and Compost morphed into a full fledged diverse beyond-organic farm very quickly after Tim started Meadowstone Farm in 2004. His leadership, vision, passion, and hard work permeate the community and north country food system. He has made it possible for the dedicated team to do what we do.

The Wennrich and Griffiths Family! Tim, Cole, Jeb, Jessie, and Ani recreating a classic MSF family farm picture.

Wyatt moves with purpose as he navigates the tasks of the farm. In addition to harvesting, weeding, and running the weed-wacker, Wyatt has been picking up food waste from area businesses.

Vegetable Manager and Flower Guru extraordinaire, Mikaela has been with the farm for 10 years now. She is the “Organized” in the “Organized Chaos” of the farm. She also brings good humor, good tunes, hard work, and passion.

When not writing CSA newsletters, Sam can be seen moving quickly around the farm attempting to keep the chaos organized. He enjoys moving tarps around and planting greens.

We are psyched to have Jessie with us again this season helping harvest, weed, with the farm stand, and the CSA. Off campus you may find her caring for her horse Bruce, running the trails, or roller skiing.

Weeds quiver when Claira walks into the garden. Her hardwork weeding gives space for our crops to grow. She also has been integral in the farm-stand, connecting visitors with the farm.

Eggs are the results of Jim’s thoughtful care when it comes to our chickens. He puts his heart into all that he does on the farm: asparagus, mowing, chicken care, egg packing and more.

At the farm Colin is an integral part of the team working in the farm stand, wash center, and with the animals. “Off Campus” Colin can be found scaling various climbing routes on cliffs in the north country, and prepping for more school at Plymouth State.

Ani has been here since before she can remember and we are psyched to have her as an integral part of the day to day. She helps in the stand, packing room, and in the fields.

Shawn comes with insight, hard work, and versatile skills. We appreciate his tractor skills, harvesting, egg collecting, and detailed perspective on how the crops are doing.

A Fennel and Swiss Chard harvester (she also harvests just about everything too), Jaime also welcomes our CSA members each and every pickup. She brings hard work, laughter, and organization to our farm team.


Jeannie is the glue that keeps us all together. She embodies the MSF vision and spirit as she welcomes farm visitors, bags and labels at the packing table, and connects with other employees.

We are psyched to have Evrald back for his second season. He comes with a wealth of experience. Evrald’s work permeates all aspects of the farm. He has a detailed eye when it comes to all tasks, especially pruning, harvesting, and cultivating.

Matt’s watchful eye keeps all the machinery, tractors, and vehicles on the farm running, and the animals fed and cared for. He is always problem solving and masterfully fixing the things we break on the farm.

Come anytime between 3 pm and 6 pm to choose your share on the day you chose when you signed up, so either Monday or Thursday.

Please bring your own bags or box to gather your choices.

If you signed up for an add-on, don’t forget to pickup your

Coffee, Eggs, Pork sausage and Flowers!

 Remember to contact us in advance if you will be unable to pick up on Thursday, so that we can store your share in our walk-in refrigerator to keep it fresh. You can email or call us to let us know. Thank you to all of those who have already arranged another time to pickup!

Here's what you will find in this weeks share:

Full shares receives 12 choices

Small shares receives 8 choices.



Enjoy! Thank you for supporting local agriculture. See you Thursday if not before.

Your Farmer,

Sam (For Tim, Matt, Mikaela, Jeannie, Jim, Jaime, Evrald, Shawn, Colin, Jessie, Ani, Wyatt, and Claira)